Thursday, July 26, 2012

Vanessa's Mad Tea Party

If you haven't heard, Vanessa at A Fanciful Twist is holding her annual Mad Tea Party inspired by Alice in Wonderland.

I've only just signed up as I wasn't sure I'd have time this month. My birthday and four, FOUR!, of my nieces all have birthdays the last two weeks of July. So I've been super busy helping out, and of course, attending all those parties!

All the Mad Tea Party fun starts this Saturday, July 28th!


  1. Sounds like a delightful season of party fun for you and your family - in real life AND virtually :) Have a lovely July and enjoy the Mad Tea Party.

  2. Dear Michelle,
    it is a pleasure to meet you through this lovely blog party.
    HAppy Mad Tea Party!

  3. Thanks for sharing this invitation for mad tea party. Hunting for some unique San Francisco venues for my grandmother's 60th birthday in a couple of weeks. Will invite all her friends and dear ones to surprise her. Her favorite food and sugar free desserts are also on the list. Will have to look for accommodations for our far off guests.


Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting!