Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Mad Tea Party! {& a Giveaway}

Welcome one, welcome all to my Mad Tea Party!

For this year's Mad Tea Party, I thought I'd display my Alice in Wonderland tea pot. The tea pot is covered in lovely illustrations based on the book by Lewis Carroll.

The White Rabbit proudly stands on the tea pot's lid, holding his timepiece and umbrella. No need to fret about being late, Mr. Rabbit. We won't start without you!

  Look, there's the Mad Hatter!

 I'm so glad he could make it. After all, what kind of Mad Tea Party could one have without the Mad Hatter?

I so hope you brought your appetite as there are lots of goodies to eat!

Little tea sandwiches rest on a Shelley China plate.

Delicious strawberries plucked from the garden.

Ooey, gooey brownies aching to melt in one's mouth.

Yummy blueberry scones fresh from the oven.

This miniature dish holds the butter for the scones.

The Chesire Cat couldn't make it today as he had other plans. So Mr. Froggy said he'd be delighted to sit in for him. He even tied his own bow tie with no help at all!

Shall we have our tea in these demi cups with matching saucers?

 Lemon muffins are a delight with tea.

Sugary candy for your sweet tooth!

Peanuts covered with caramel and chocolate share the plate with some lemon muffins. Oh my! Someone has taken a mini-bite out of one of the muffins.

Yellow flowers, sunshine caught on stems, always make me happy.


I'm having a giveaway! I'm giving away 12x12 sheets of scrapbook paper, featuring dear Alice. There are five double-sided sheets, all different. To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post. The winner will be drawn next Saturday afternoon.

This giveaway is now closed.

And, though the shadow of a sigh
May tremble through the story,
For "happy summer days" gone by,
And vanish'd summer glory--
It shall not touch with breath of bale,
The pleasance of our fairy-tale. --Lewis Carroll

Thank you all, for attending my Mad Tea Party today! For other Mad Tea Parties and Partiers, please visit our delightful hostess, Vanessa, at A Fanciful Twist.


  1. Your magical teapot is to die for! So whimsical and pretty! Love the yellow blooms, also :)

  2. Oh what a wonderful party! I am so delighted to join you today for such delishness! Wont you hop over to my tea party too?
    Have a very Merry Unbirthday today too!!

  3. So many delightful things, I don't even know where to begin. Your teapot is fantastic and your tea treats are perfect! Hope you can visit my parties.

  4. Oh! Such a great party!
    I love your tea pot, and the cups....As a vintage children's dishes collector I would love to have them....lovely!
    Mmmmm, a little far to take one of these yummy brownies??
    Besos from Argentina, Silvina

  5. gosh you do have some love great china! What a lovely tea party :)

  6. What a fab tea party. I love your Alice teapot!

  7. Oops I forgot to leave my link! Here it is, please come over for a mad cuppa :) x

  8. Oh my am loving your teapot! Been wanting to start a collection myself! Would love a bite at those gooey brownies and fresh strawberries!

    had fun! drop on by as well!

  9. Oh, I enjoyed your party so much! Loved the Mad Hatter! Your treats were divine! Thank you for inviting me! Have a magical weekend! Twyla

  10. Happy Mad Tea Party day! That teapot is gorgeous! Your party is lovely, yummy strawberries and scones. I can never get my scones to come out as anything more than fancy-looking dry crumbling rocks.
    So there are no scones at my tea party ;)
    You can visit here:

  11. What a wonderful party!
    I love your tea pot.
    Hugs from Argentina.

  12. Great party; such yummy goodies... I love strawberries, and blueberry scones fresh from the oven with butter sound pretty good right about now! Mmmm!

    You can find my party at

  13. Michelle,

    Thank you for sharing your unique treasures! The Mad Hatter made your festivities especially entertaining. Have a wonderful day!


  14. Oh my goodness, this is so much fun! Whimsical & sweet.

  15. Mmmm, so many yummy treats! Those brownies are to die for...

  16. What a magical party! All of those treats are making my mouth water!! :) Thank you so much for inviting me to your beautiful party! ~Lauren

  17. Oh what a wonderful teapot !! I am so envious :) I hope you don't mind if I take one of those lemon cakes home with me for later :)
    Thank you so much for inviting me,
    I hope to see you soon at my party too, everyone is invited :)
    Mad Madam Mel x

  18. You are Ssooo gracious! Thank you! What a beautiful collection you have!
    Your assortment of yummy goodies is making me hungry!
    Cheers, Kelly

  19. Lovely Party...treats look so yummy!!!
    please visit me here:

  20. You scored on that teapot find! Right on target ~

    Those scones are look yummy.

    Give me a visit some time ~

  21. Oh my, I DO love that Tea Pot! And strawberries and brownies??? Yum! Thank you for hosting such a fun Mad Tea Party! I hope that you will come and visit with me, too.
    Sincerely, Theresa :)
    Happy Mad Tea Party Day!

  22. Love your Alice tea pot... Thanks for inviting me!

  23. Wonderful party! I love the teapot. I have the same demi cups and saucers, I wish I had the teapot too. And I simply must have some strawberries and brownies!


  24. I love your tea pot!! It is awesome. I had such a great time at your party. Everything was delish!! I hope you can stop by and visit me:

  25. Magical party! Please stop by mine if you can! :)

  26. What a wonderful party - I LOVE that tea pot! I'll be taking a brownie or two for the rest of my journey, if you don't mind. ;)

    I hope you'll come by ad visit me:

  27. Oh my, what lovely teapot, what awesome treats and amazing people. I am going to eat everything, okay, I'll leave something for others... but not much ;-)

  28. What a truly Mad Tea Party spread, I have to say! I just love it.

    Looove your tea pot, and what treats oh my!!

    I could so use one of those little sandwiches right about now. Yummmmmmms!

    Beautiful party, thank you!!!

    Happy Mad Tea Partying!
    ♥ Vanessa {a fanciful twist}

  29. That tea pot is awesome! I would love to invIte you to visit my party as well.

  30. Thanks for stopping by! I LOVE your pretty butter dish and awesome teapot. The brownies and strawberries were scrumptious~ Happy Teatime :)

  31. Hi Michelle,
    Those scones warm from the oven were delicious! I had to try a brownie too, after all who can resist an ooey gooey brownie. Not me! Thank you so much for your warm hospitality. I hope you will let me return the favor and come to my mad tea party and giveaway! I definitely want to enter yours!!

  32. Oh what a sunshine filled magical day you had!

    Please do stop by my tea party if you can :)

    xxx Queen Creative

  33. A lovely party full of scrummy goodies. Thanks fro the invite and for visiting. xxx

  34. Thank you for having me over for tea! Your treats were delicious and the table was set perfectly!

  35. Oh Michelle, that tea pot is amazing (the Mad Hatter too ;) and all of your goodies...yum!! Thank you for having me.

    Please join us on our 'Mad' Hot-Air-Balloon adventure, see some cute critters and have a treat...

    Jamie :)

  36. I loved being at youor tea party, it was so very much fun. Your seeet treats were amazing and loved how the table was decorated. Thank you for having me. I would love to enter your giveway.
    Please stop over at my party.

  37. this was one of the most colorful parties! Thank you for all the work you put into it.
    I think the frog was a fine stand in for the Cheshire Cat. He also has a nice grin.

  38. Your treats look delish!!! I have a particular fondness for brownies, so I tried not to pig out...

    Thanks for the party and the giveaway!

  39. Love your collection. We have the teapot too.

  40. Oh gosh what a wonderful setting. I only have a few of those pieces of china and love them dearly, a tea pot would be great.
    Pour me a cup of tea and I will sit a spell I have the wildest story to tell you, I met the cat along the way. Pass me some sweets.
    Thanks for sharing. Kathy

  41. Hi! what a cute Made Tea party post!

    love it!

  42. I had a wonder-ful time at your Mad Tea Party. Thank you so much for inviting me.

  43. First, I have to tell you I am in love with your teapot, Michelle! Your table looks wonderful and delicious at the same time. Love that Mad Hatter! Thank you so much for inviting me to your tea party and for visiting mine!

  44. So Sorry...i´m late...i´m you are the last one...and this is so great your wonderful Tea Party...I love it. Many thanks for sharing have a magical week

  45. this was such a delicious tea party! and so pretty, too! your butter dish is beautiful!
    thanks for having me

  46. Oh thank you so much for having me to your party...the tea and scones were absolutely marvelous, and the little chocolate bits and bobs here and impossible for one to resist! We really must do this again next year! Thanks for coming to my party as well and leaving such sweet comments! What a wonderful giveaway please count me in!
    Beth P

  47. Dearest Michelle,
    How absolutely Wonderfully Wonderful your tea party has been. I am in love with your Mad Hatter. He is just spectacular, and that tea set is such a treat. How exciting. Oh now to eat. I just cant make up my mind. I love the brownies so I will have two, and the sugary candies, 4 will do, and then then on to the blueberry scones,,,,oh yes with butter please. Oh my my my I am getting as big as the trees. Thank the heavens you are my last tea party to visit, because I am afraid I will be in a sugar coma for days to come.

    Thank you for inviting me. Oh please do drop in for a Spoonful of Mad Tea over on the Other Side of Wonderland
    Wishes and Whimsy
    Wendy from Wonderland

  48. Totally awesome Maddd tea party! So many treasures and sweet treats, yummy!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  49. lovely tea party...I love the Mad Hatter! Drop by my place for a giveaway too!

  50. That is a Wonderland tea pot! Thank you for showing it, it's a real treasure! Your tea looked wonderful and the cakes and candies, really lovely. I'm hungry now!

    Thank you for inviting me!

  51. Your ooey gooey brownies were so fantastic I could cry, but instead there's more to do so I must go and fly! :)

  52. Let's see... I would definitely like a brownie and a scone and a strawberry, and some magical tea from your gorgeous tea pot! Yum!

  53. Hi Michelle,

    What truly wonderful photos -- I really felt like Alice in Wonderland! :) Thanks for posting such a lovely party post -- it's magical for sure. I also bookmarked your blog, as I definitely intend to visit you again in future. :)

    Greetings from Germany,

  54. Mmmmmmmm... scones,brownies, and lemon muffins! Who can resist these yummy treats. your giveaway is awesome! Please enter me!

  55. Thank you so much for inviting me! everything was sooo delicious! LOVED the scones and the cheese and crackers (I am MAD for cheese)
    It was delightful, though weird meeting the Hatter! He is a strange one, no?
    I love your tea set and that BLUE SHOE is sooo COOL!
    thanks for having me, please come by my party. (sadly, no giveaway this year...I do every year)

  56. Oh Michelle,
    What a delightful party!!!! The brownies and lemon muffins look so scrumptious!!!! Thanks also for visiting my party too, it was so thoughtful of you♥
    ..and yes, I would love love love to use that amazing scrap paper in my projects.


  57. Yum your blkueberry scones are delightful-come have tea with me and my gnomes at


Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting!