Friday, July 18, 2014

Homicide in Hardcover

I just finished reading Homicide in Hardcover by Kate Carlisle with the tagline of A Bibliophile Mystery.

Opening lines: My teacher always told me that in order to save a patient you'd have to kill him first. Not the most child-friendly way of explaining his theory of book restoration to his eight year old apprentice, but it worked. I grew up determined to save them all.

One of the reasons I was attracted to this book was the fact that the heroine is a rare book expert, who restores and conserves old books; two other reasons are: I love murder mysteries and it's set in San Francisco.

Brooklyn Wainwright is the main character who finds Abraham, "her mentor lying in a pool of his own blood." With his last breath, he whispers "Remember the devil" and gives her Goethe's Faust. Abraham had been working on The Winslow Collection of books for an upcoming exhibit. One of the books in the collection is Goethe's Faust, which, legend has it, is cursed. All who've owned the book have died. Brooklyn is asked to take over the restoration project and finish Abraham's work with the Faust.

We are introduced to several characters who may or may not have a motive for killing Abraham including: Minka, Brooklyn's nemesis from college; the Winslows; Abraham's rival Enrico; and Brooklyn's own mother. Then there's the British Derek Stone, a former military operative, who now runs his own security company and is in charge of The Winslow Collection. Derek also gets to have a romantic moment or two with Brooklyn.

My only nit with this book is that there's not a lot of actual mystery-solving or investigating happening with the main characters. It's focus is more on Brooklyn's life (who grew up on a commune), her family, (who still live on the commune) and people trying to harm or kill Brooklyn.

Overall, I enjoyed reading Homicide in Hardcover. The book is a fun read and the first in a series of books. It's well-written with definitive characters and plot. I'll definitely be reading others in the series.

I'm linking up to the following blogs:
 Literary Friday at Art @ Home
 Book Beginnings at Rose City Reader
Saturday Review at Semicolon

Thanks so much for stopping by :)


Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

I've read a couple of Kate Carlisle books and enjoyed them. I'll have to look for this on on my next trip to the library.

Sandra Nachlinger said...

I like the theme of this book. Maybe the author spent so much time on Brooklyn because this is a series and this book is the character's introduction. It sounds like a story I'd enjoy.
Here's my Friday post: MURDER ON ASTOR PLACE.

Anonymous said...

I would like to read about a rare book expert in a cozy.

Claudia {Sparrowhawk} said...

A most interesting beginning to say the least. The book reminds me of the game Clue; enjoy your read and thanks for sharing! :)

Sparrow's BB & Friday 56

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'll put this on my reading list! All I want to read right now are them all! Hugs, Diane

Sarah said...

I'll check out this book at the library. Just finished The Goldfinch. Have you read it?
I generally read historical fiction, but a good mystery also thrills. Especially ones about famous art!

Elizabeth said...

I absolutely LOVE that cover. The book sounds good too.

Love mysteries.

THANKS for sharing.

Silver's Reviews
My Book Beginnings

Ricki Treleaven said...

Thanks so much for linking up! I've been in New Orleans at a wedding, and it has made my day to have someone new link up to my little party!

I would love the setting of this book, too, and a rare book dealer as a main character sounds fun! I would love to own a rare bookstore when I grow up.

I need to see if our library has his mystery. I checked out a cozy mystery last week, but I've yet to read it....

xo, RJ