Friday, May 17, 2013


Skios is a delightful farce written by Michael Frayn. It's set on the fictional Greek island of Skios, which is brimming with ancient temples, artifacts, whitewashed houses and blue skies.

The Fred Toppler Foundation is preparing for the highlight of its annual two week meeting: a lecture by the very distinguised Dr. Norman Wilfred. Nikki, Mrs. Toppler's assistant, is to meet Dr. Wilfred, a middle-aged gentleman with years of academia beneath his belt, at the island's small airport. However, the youngish Oliver Fox, with his floppy hair and delightful grin, is mistaken by Nikki as Dr. Wilfred. Of course, this isn't helped when Nikki asks Oliver Fox if he's Dr. Norman Wilfred to which he replies, "I cannot tell a lie.".

By the time Dr. Norman Wilfred exits the airport, there is one lone taxi. After trying to communicate with the taxi driver, Dr Wilfred allows himself to be driven to a villa he mistakes for the guest quarters of the Fred Toppler Foundation. This villa belongs to friends of Annuka, the girlfriend of Oliver Fox. Oliver had arranged to meet another girl there, Georgie, as Annuka had recently kicked Oliver out of her apartment. Georgie's boyfriend thinks she's in Switzerland with her old friend Nikki.

There is more mistaken identity, lost luggage, getting lost on pathways and general mayhem. I thought this was a fun book and a great read. I was disappointed in the ending. I thought it was too "out there", but then again, this is a farce, so maybe the ending does fit the book.

Linking up to Literary Friday at Art @ Home.

1 comment:

  1. I love farce (usually) and this one sounds really funny. I hate that you weren't happy with the ending! *sadface*

    I'm going to see if any of my Goodreads buds has read this....are you on Goodreads?

    Thanks for linking-up!

    Ricki Jill


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