Monday, October 4, 2010

Alice in Wonderland Halloween Paper!

During a visit to my local scrapbook store, I discovered Alice in Wonderland Scrapbook paper all done up for Halloween!

Created by Graphic 45, each double-sided sheet is 12x12 and only 99 cents per page.

Here's a close-up of the above page:

What I love most about this paper is that the original illustrations by Sir John Tenniel were used.

My camera battery was dying when I took these photos, so please forgive any blurriness.

Tea anyone?

This sheet is full of punch outs and little tags (& a little pricier than the rest). I scanned this one, so what you see is only a partial of the page.

The backsides of two of the sheets. They all have a different design on each side.

I can't wait to use this paper. Sometimes I buy scrapbook paper and I love it so much, I can't bear to use it... So then, I go out and buy duplicates. This way I can have the paper and use it too! Crazy, right?

Thanks for dropping by :)


  1. Hey girlie!
    So how was your month long break from blogging???? You were out the WHOLE month of September!!!!!!! ;)

    Thank you so much for the birthday wishes...I really appreciate it :))))

    As for these papers...I'm in LOVE! I don't have a scrapbook store close to me so when I get out of the country and go to the big city, this will be on my "have to have" list! They are adorable!!!!
    And, you must be my twin because I totally know where you are coming from. When it's something I really love, I always buy to keep and one to use!

  2. I love this paper. I going today to the scrapbook store.

  3. Hi!
    Thanks for the visit! You got ahead and get yourself some white pumpkins! I love scrapebook paper too! It's so beautiful and the die for!



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