Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tea Cups and Roses

Today's tea cup and saucer set is a very pretty one, made by Sadler. I love Sadler China and have some tea pots by them as well.
I love flowers (I kinda love everything!), especially roses. Both my rose bushes are blooming, so I decided to add some real-life ones to this tea cup.

I think, this summer, I'm going to set up an arbor and plant climbing roses all around it. I saw one at Lowe's that comes with a little bench, so you can sit under the arbor. I can already see myself curled up there, napping or reading book after book.

The saucer and cup are edged in gold along with the handle.  I like how most decorated saucers feature both sides of the tea cup's design. The "front" side of the cup has the large rose, while the "back" side has the smaller one.

You may see a water drop or two as I'd just rinsed these before taking the pictures and missed some spots when drying.

The back stamp reads: Sadler, Wellington, Fine Bone China, Made in England.

 Thanks so much for visiting me today!

I'm linking up to:

Terri at Artful Affirmations for Tea Cup Tuesday
and to Martha at Martha's Favorites


  1. Oh please come post this at Tea In The Garden - lovely teacup. I have several Sadler Teapots I love! Your blog is lovely!

  2. Very pretty. The roses add the perfect touch.


    I hope you can stop to visit...


  3. Oooh I love this one! It is such a fine example of vintage tea cups. The coloring is fab, and the shape too. I have a few Sadler tea pots, but I don't think I have any of their tea cups. Lucky you : )
    Your roses look beautiful too!

  4. Hello Michelle,
    What a perfect match between the real roses and the rose tea set! The decoration is so beautiful and nature-like!
    Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

  5. I didn't know that Sadler made teacups. I only knew they made teapots. Fun to learn that and your cup is pretty. Roses-never tire of roses!!!
    Ruthie from: http://www.ladybstimefortea.blogspot.com

  6. Hello,
    this is an outstanding tea cup with pretty roses. I really adore it. Thank you for sharing and for your kind comment on my blog.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  7. So glad to be Your 92nd follower :)


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