Saturday, October 20, 2012

Autumn's Floral Bounty

Today's theme for Pink Saturday is Autumn Flowers & Foliage.

These daisies grow wild just around the corner from me. They're so gorgeous with their white petals and egg-yolk middles.

I photographed these yellow flowers at the beginning of October. I believe they're evening primrose. Do you see the cross in the center?

Pokeweed grows wild, too. These red-stemmed berries look so delicious. Alas, they're quite poisonous, so you can't eat them. Back in the old days, Pokeweed berries were used for dying textiles, making ink and increasing the color of red wine.

Here's a Pokeweed bush with some of the berry output shown.

 How lovely to have roses in October and pink ones, too! I don't think the buds will bloom, though. The temperature today was about 55 degrees with lots and lots of cold rain, hence the wet roses in the pictures. Tomorrow's forecast is more of the same.

Thanks for visiting today!

Linking up to How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday.


  1. lovely flowers here..i love best the pink roses, i hope they will bloom

    Visiting here from Pink Saturday. Mine's posted at The3Chies

  2. Nothing more beautiful than a flower show.

  3. The pokeweed has beautiful berries and your flowers are pretty too.


  4. Ain't pokeweed berries beautiful!

    Healthy Pink Snacks
    Have an enjoyable Pink Saturday!

  5. Stunning photos. I just love the pokeweed berries....gorgeous!

  6. Beautiful photos! Pink roses are my pretty!


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