Friday, March 11, 2011

What are you reading?

Our weather here has been so blah over the last couple of weeks. We've had far too much rain! So I decided to lose myself in some fiction. Here's what I recently picked up:

Mostly, when it comes to fiction, I read mysteries. This is the first time, in a few years, where I've read romantic fiction (outside of Marian Keyes). So far I've only read the Jude Deveraux book "Scarlet Nights". When I read fiction, I do so to escape reality. This book wasn't too bad, but it was definitely not the best book that I've read by this author. It had a few cute moments and a plotline that was easily followed. However, when I read romantic fiction, I want to be swept away and for the hero to be a fantasty-type man. Not quite so, in this particular book by her.

This weekend, I'll be tackling one of the Madeline Wickham books.

After the library, I then popped into my local bookstore, where I promptly gave into temptation and bought "The Weird Sisters" . This book combines two of my favorite things: Shakespeare and sisterhood! I have two sisters, so I love, love, love books about sisters.

I also picked up the latest issue of Elle magazine and another book called "First Grave on the Right", which I'm really looking forward to reading. I picked this book up because I liked the cover, and after reading the first page, I was totally hooked.

After arriving in the mail a couple of weeks ago, my Vogue magazine is patiently waiting to be read. Vogue is definitely my favorite magazine.

OK... now I'm off to blot out the rain and to close my eyes against the snow that's started to fall and get my read on!!!

Thanks for stopping by:)

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