Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tea Under the Halloween Moon

What a lovely day to be outside!

Autumn is such a delight with it's warm days and chilly nights.

Today's beautiful weather is perfect for sitting outside and reading a good book!

While pumpkins are everywhere with their silly carved faces!

But, oh my, look at the time.... The sun has set and now I must set up for the tea party.

Let's see... whatever shall we make for our tea?

Pie sounds divine! Oh how yummy!

The table is all set.

And the moon is sitting high, lighting up the night with her round face.

Please pull up a chair and have a seat. There's room for everyone here!

Would you care for a cup of tea? You shall have any tea you wish for. All you have to do is think of your favorite tea and that will be the tea that flows from the sprout.

Sweet sugar cookies with a pumpkin face! They are sure to rot the teeth.

Cupcakes galore! And covered in sprinkles, too!

Chocolate is soooo hard to resist! And these little cupcakes I could eat morning, noon and night! Couldn't you???

Thanks so much for dropping in for tea!

It's been such a delight having company!

Thanks to the marvelous Anna at Frosted Petunias for hosting this Halloween Tea Party Under a Full Moon. Please visit her blog for other magical Halloween tea parties!


  1. Such a lovely tea party. Those pumpkin cookies look yummy, as does everything else.

  2. those goodies are making me hungry and I have only just had my tea. happy tea party Saturday Hugs Sara

  3. Yummy! Those cookies and cupcakes look delicious! Thank you for the tea! Lovely party. Thank you for stopping by my party!

  4. Can I park my broom here .. ah thanks tea wonderful and cakes. yum! oh yes thanks for popping over to see me. Did you have a cake? yes oh good . More tea? oh no I better not I'm flying I don't want to end up in a tree... weel lovely to met you and the goodie all delicious.
    hugs and BOOS wendy at blissangels

  5. the cookies made my mouth water!!!
    great party...thank you for inviting me.

  6. Delish........thanks for the goodies.
    This is so much fun,having tea and sweets under the full moon with all yall.Thank you for stoping over at LazyonLoblolly,yep the brew was scarylish.

  7. Thank you so much for the tea and sweets! I had such a wonderful time! Happy Halloween!


  8. Thank you so much for tea! I am having a wonderful tea time today! Thank you for visiting my table setting!!! Wonderful!!!

    Blessed Be

  9. What a Wonderful Part you have Given!
    Thank you for Sharing !
    Glad you Stopped By for a Visit!

  10. What a beautiful setting and all tea and cupcakes, I'm deliciously satisfied! Thank you for such a lovely time. Please stop by our house for some tea and magick. Thank you for being a wonderful host :)

  11. Oh this is wonderful !
    that tea cup is really one of the most beautiful autumn cups I've seen ☺
    that one cupcake looks like a german chocolate icing ! and now I have to go look up that book title lol !
    Thanks so much for haring !
    lov rox

  12. Yes, I CAN eat cupcakes all day long! LOL Thanks for offering us some at your lovely tea. :)

    If you haven't already done so, please feel free to stop by my little owl tea party:

    Enjoy the parties!

  13. Thanks for the tea. The cupcakes were the best.

  14. Lovely little party. I loved the pumpkin cookies and cupcakes. Everything was wonderful. thank you inviting me and I would love for you to stop by for some tea and magic.

    Spells and Wishes,
    wEndy from WonderLand

  15. Wonderful party! Chocolate is very hard to resist!

  16. wicked party! thank you :)


    come visit:

  17. I've so enjoyed stopping by, thanks for the wonderful party.

  18. I've enjoyed my tea and those yummy chocolate cupcake :) Thank you for flying by my tea party and I wish you a beautiful Autumn Season!~

  19. Pie and ookies look so yummy - time to do more seasonal baking this week! - please do come on over to our Tea Party Halloween Tea Party at!

  20. Oh goodness! It took me a while to get here but your party was well worth the flight! Your treats were so delicious I had to sneak a few extra cupcakes in my cauldron for the rest of my trip...I hope I don't tip over on my broomstick! Oh and I love your beautiful dolly.

    Thank you so much for sharing your lovely party and for joining me for my tea party under the Halloween moon tonight!


  21. Oh,my goodness, it took me so long to get to your party was just love it, I'm glad I was able to make.

    Thank you so much for sharing your lovely party and for joining me for my tea party under the Halloween moon.

    Lady Cattra

    PS: Love your Blog - I'm now a follower :)

  22. Thanks so much for sharing your tea party goodies! I think your tea cups are just beautiful!
    Thanks for stopping by my party and leaving me such a sweet comment. You are always welcome.

  23. I had an absolutely marvelous time at your party. I love your tea cups!!
    Brightest Blessings, Seshat

  24. Pumpkins and cupcakes and that spider is absolutely gorgeous!
    Just a bit curious, something magical seems to be floating about ...Oooh the so gorgeous! And that book "The Limits of Enchantment " sounds particularly interesting...must check it out. Thanks for the lovely tea, had a great time here.

    Luv to have you drop in for some tea and a chance to win the soldered seashell bottle I made for the draw this coming Halloween Sunday October 31st/2010
    Happy Haunting and a very Spooky Halloween.

    The Wood Beyond The World ......

    ( )


  25. Finally catching up on all the Enchanting Full Moon Tea Parties. Love your beautiful blog & all your YUMMY PICs. October 23 was my third Blogoversary, so October is a spooktacular Celebration month.

    Please fly by for my giveaways too...
    Hauntingly Yours, Lyndy

    My Haunted Halloween Party Link:


Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting!